Darth Vader VS. Japan's Cops
This is going to be the funniest thing I'll see all week, end of story.
Oh, and they made another one (linked so I don't kill you connection):
If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.
Volume one of... of... I have no damn idea, but here we go anyway.
Quick post here, do any of you people turn on two lights in the middle of an already overlight room? If so, why the fuck do you do it!? Don't get me wrong here, out of all the things I could hate you for this is at the bottom of that list. It's just that when a room is already well lighted, why do you need to turn on a huge room light to make it just the tiniest bit lighter?
I'm a liar, no really I'm a liar, maybe it stems from the fact that I tell the truth so much and yet a lot of the people I meet in life never seem to believe me. The big irony of this is that when I tell someone a lie, they interpret it as the truth and they might even get a laught out of that. So please pardon my misanthropy, but most of you people are full of shit. Even you that bastard, probably nodding your head in agreement in some odd attemt to make yourself fell better than everyone else, is probably just as full of it as everyone else that I've meet.
Yet the basic premise of the article that we, as consumers, should buy subsidized technology (technology that costs less than what it takes to make it), regardless of cost or what you actually need, because every time we do so, we get back FREE bits and pieces of hardware! Even though there might be a way to pay less and still get the same results, we should be taking advantage of this subsidized stuff because the companies are giving us FREE hardware we didn't pay for, and may not even need, YAY! Hell, you may be spending up to $100 to $200 EXTRA on the hardware covered, but at least you got some FREE useless hardware that you probably won't need. Yeah that was pretty much the point of the entire article. Oh, and he used a Latin phrase in the article, fancy, isn't it? And all the more reason that I feel that this poster deserves the beat down their getting. Come on, they idea was ridicules enough, but trying to make it seem intellectual and well thought out by using the Latin phrase was what sealed the deal; they were just asking for a big Internet Punch right in the face.
Think about this for a moment, you’re going to pay more than $100 for something that has a whole bunch of extras that you won't use, or will never need. Yet your supposed to buy it because your getting back free hardware; since the company losses money when you buy a subsidized product. What - the - fuck? Something tells me that paying $100 EXTRA for something that you don't even need in the first place it isn't exactly free.
Secondly, why should you buy something that you don't want in the first place!? Because you're getting more useless extras than what you pay for? What sort of shit reason is that? Are you the sort of person who never passes up a 2 for 1 deal or something? Listen when I go into a store to buy a DVD just for the movie, I don't hock out extra money for the extended two disc version with all those extras, because I just want the fucking movie! If I don't care about the Director's Commentary, Blooper Real, or whatever the hell else might be on there, I'm not going to shell out extra cash to get the DVD that has it, since I'm only buying it to watch the movie.
Thirdly, just because something costs less than what it takes to make it doesn't mean we should be taking advantage of it. Especially when it costs more than something that is pretty much exactly the same shit and is the same quality; only it costs a lot less. What sort of American ideal is that, if you pay more for something it is always inherently better than what costs less? It's like that moment from Dead Poet's Society:
Student (reciting): "If poem B is larger than poem A, than poem B is the better poem"
John Keating: "Rip it! Be gone, J. Evans-Pritchard, PhD!"
Are you honestly that insecure about people thinking your poor that you pay, a lot, extra for stuff that you don't even need, just to prove to them that you can afford shit? Listen, when I pay extra for my Insta-Noodles instead of Ramen I know what the hell I'm paying extra for, and I'm paying extra for something I want, not something that I don't need. When I pay $10 for noodles and soda at one restaurant, instead of $3 on McDonald's "food" the chefs make clear why their food costs seven dollars extra. Yet when you pitch out more than $100 extra on something that is pretty much the same product as everything else, only it's being sold for more than everything else; how is the fact that it's being sold for less than what it takes to manufacture it, make it such a better product?
It's like when I go shopping for paints, there are these little, dinky, travel-sized tubes of paint that can run into the $11 range depending upon what color you need. While sitting next to it are these Jumbo sized tubes of paint (larger than a tube of tooth-paste), that have the exact same stuff and they run for about $9 regardless of color. I don't buy the little ones because the cost represents something extra that I'm not getting with the large sized tubes; I know that each tube is exactly the same, save for one difference, their size. Also I purchase the larger sized ones not because of the deal, but mostly because I get extremely short-changed when I buy little sized tubes of paint. For I'm just curious as to what demands a 5 dollar increase in price over a change in shade from Primary Red to Red-with-just-enough-yellow-thrown-in-to-
The Earth itself is huge, and that is the most blantantly asinine you could probably ever say. A lot of us want to do our part for a "better" world, and I'm just curious as to why every time that comes up the main solution to it is to just throw money at it. I mean just exactly that, not food, jobs, or clothing, just currency itself. Thow money at stuff and hope it does something.
Since every other person in the known universe is making one of these now, I might as well jump on the bandwagon and make my own, you know? Sorry if I seem mean-spirted, actually no I'm not, but nothing quite earns my ire more than talking about 9/11 with some people. So, you know what? Just to be different, I'm not going to say anything about 9/11! Okay, I will say this, it was a bitch and it shouldn't take a degree in Latin to figure out the link between terrorist and terror!
I'm kind of glad that I don't watch or for that matter really read the paper. It's not the whole, "OMG LOL! THE NEWS HAS LIED TO US!" stuff that gets to me. It's just that once anything, of even remote national interst is hit, it's like we have struck a oil well. The stuff just keeps on poring out without any signs that it's going to stop soon.
It hasn't even been a week yet and I've already seen more than five people with a death wish, and all somehow want to die by being hit by, or being in, a car crash. The thing is that any kid over ten should have better sense than these people; we're talking about some of the most basic rules of the rules. It's not like we're asking them to parallel park, or to at least be handicapped when the use a handicapped parking spot. No this is pretty much, stop on red, yield on yellow, go on green, and don't walk out in the middle of fucking rush-hour traffic when cars are still streaming past.
There's this roundabout that I have to pass by pretty much every single day, and people seem to have no idea as to just how a roundabout is supposed to function. First, there is a big YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS sign, right next to the crosswalk, so when you see a pedestrian walking across the crosswalk you YIELD, or if the pedestrian is slow or having trouble getting across the crosswalk you STOP. You do not constantly edge forward in an apparent threat to run their ass over if they don't hurry up. Second, there is a reason there is a right lane at the begging of the roundabout, that is for people that just need to turn right and DON'T have to use the roundabout; so if your in the other lane, it may not be illegal to turn right, but it is damn asinine if you ask me. It's just a simple right turn, it's not like we're asking you to perform a Michigan Left (a Michigan Left is actually a right turn, and a U-turn done to turn left [don't ask, our road system was probably designed by drunken monkeys]) or anything. Thirdly, I know from personal experience that almost all drivers don't use their turn signals; however, since a roundabout's exits can generally be taken without much need to slow down, you should give some kind of signal (other than the screeching of your brakes) that you're about to go all Evel Knievel on us. Now this is just the start of what is my day, trust me it gets a lot better, or worse, depending upon your point of view.
For example, cars have all stopped to let someone pass at an intersection that again, has a sign proudly declaring YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS. All of sudden another car comes along in the other lane, completely ignoring the fact that the other lane has probably stopped for a reason; this car is just trucking' along and then the pedestrian exits out of the first lane, and starts to enter the next. The end result of which is a squeal of tires, and one guy who came within no more than two feet from being hit (and will probably never give the fact that he almost died a second thought).
Not that pedestrians are any better, there is a reason that we have those don't walk and walk signs; they're straightforward in what you should be doing right? Also of course, people do realize that signs that say YIELD TO PEDEDSTRIANS don't apply if the car is ten feet from the sign don't they? So, why do I see people wander out into the middle of a busy intersection looking like they are trying to re-enact a scene from, "The Truman Show," you do know that it was just movie, don't you? Oh, and I don't care how good you are at, Frogger, but those physics don't apply here, and last time I checked you weren't a frog.
So here it is, I'm at this middle-of-the-road crosswalk/traffic-signal waiting to cross two lanes of traffic (going both ways) that are going by at good clip, and again this random guy shows up at the other side of the crosswalk. He stands there for a bit, waiting for the sign to change, and then he just walks out while traffic is still going on, and a car is coming right at him. Now for just a quick recap, this guy is walking out into the middle of two-way traffic, the light for the cars is still, very much so, green, pedestrians still have a red light, and car is heading right for him. You're probably thinking SPLAT! Right?
Well, the car is actually able to stop in time, with good distance to spare, and the random guy just walks on completely oblivious to the fact of what he just did. Oh, and the final kicker is that shortly after he crossed, and the car in question went on its way, the sign changed to WALK.
It's bad enough that we have to deal with people using their cell phones while driving, and riding a bike (I'm not shitting you on that, if you don't believe me), but now I'm expected to have to start my day and explain to people that I'm late because I had to be a witness to some random person becoming street pizza!? I can just imagine how my some of my bosses would react to that:
Boss: Why are you late, you overpaid ingrate?
Me: There was an accident, and I had to stay to be a witness.
Me: Oh nothing, I was just in the bathroom throwing up my digestive tract - after seeing somebody complete eviscerated!
Boss: Ah, I don't care, just get back to work.
Well I'm just glad that I can take some solstice in the fact that if I was ever to be run over because someone was talking on their cell phone, they would at least be able to call for help on their cell phone - That is if they weren't so busy phoning their friends to tell them that they just hit somebody.
I'm just curious as to when it stopped being okay to laugh at yourself, and some of the generic things that get attributed to being you. Since when did it become such a crime to have a little chuckle because a foreigner amongst a speech given in his native language all of a sudden decided to unceremoniously pronounce the words election day, as erection day. Are we not supposed to even think about having so much as a chuckle, just because it would be so impolite to even admit to ourselves that we found it even the least bit funny? Are we so afraid to laugh at something like this; that we can't even convince ourselves that we'd actually just be laughing at the fact of the speaker being all serious and the blowing it, instead of the actual L into R itself?