More notes and shit.
It's always funny when someone at a lack of words to describe the dreg and the offal that has been leaking off of this thing that we call humanity always just gives up and says,"The world is messed up," like if they say it, then they are able to validate the fact that at some point in the world we actually had it. That we can all sit back and pretend that there used to be a time when all this fucked up shit just wasn't happening in the world, like we can pull the covers over our head and say to ourselves that it all just isn't happening, even though we can still here the voices yelling at screaming around us. Not at us, oh no, that would be too much for some of the brains on earth to handle, but around us. So no matter how things get around us we can always feel some semblance of peace just in the fact that it isn't happening to us, some little fucking factor of disconnect between eachother that allows us to turn a blind eye to the matter and never realize that it is happening to us.
We may not realize it, but there are things in the world that are always happening to us. They sit back inside of that body of your's like a sleeping, malignant tumor. Waiting for just the right moment to wake up and start eating away your fleash right from the bone, in one of the most painful things that you will every experience.
You think that things war and animal cruelty are some of the most messed up things in life? Ha, screw that noise! You can scar something physically and it can go away over time; scarring something mentaly, now there we have something that will really produce some fucked up shit.
Do you want to know what the biggest danger is to you right now? It's not some evil-doers over in the middle of some far of land, it's not someone who decided to create a nuke to compete with a whole army of nukes that could be aimed at them at any moment, it's your brain. That's right, the biggest danger to you right now is that clump of gray matter sitting right below your skull.
It's the thing that blinds you to the fact that your not as immune as you think to all those little problems in the world that you've turned a blind eye too. It fails to make you realize that just because you have to take an hour train ride every day, your life is very far from the hell that you think it is. It makes you feel safe watching a horror movie, because it fills you with an odd sense that the killer on screen could never exist in the world as we know it.
Which are outright lies, just put your thoughts to work for once considering this; there are no less than two million human brains on earth, and you mean to tell me that one of them has fallen ill? There are people that love to behead animals just to watch their bodies squirm afterwards, before rigor mortis sets in. People kill eachother over such simple shit as putting your hand up in the wrong way. Messed up, doesn't even begin to cover it.
Messed up, implies that the world is mearly like a jumbled 15 puzzle; that all the pieces are there and locked in place. The only problem is that the pieces are now all shuffled about and have to be put back together mearly by the simple process of sliding everything back into place. The world, as it is, is very far from that; the world is a puzzle that has had it's pieces dumped out, and then had those pieces blown into bits, and then the bits blown into even smaller bits. Saying that the world is messed up doesn't even begin to scratch the surface as to what truely lurks behind closed doors and inside of the backs of people's heads.
Why do you think I despise Zombie, because he smells funny and is the Couch-Potato incarnate? No, that is very far from it. I despise Zombie because he has surrended everything he his to any despotic notion that comes his way. Zombie drinks, smokes, comsumes pornography, and masturbates feverishly to it, all because someone has told him too. Zombie has since surrended his brain and let it be turned into mush by any despotic notion that comes along. Zombie is the perfect bastardazation of another person's thoughts, he does what he is told, he does not look for flaws in obvioulsy flawed ideas, he seeks no other human interaction what so ever, all he does is fallow any despotic idea that gets jammed into his head.
I watch him now, not out of interest, but out of an odd sense as to just how easily one could manipulate him. It's strange to think that someone wispering sweet nothings into his ears at night could probably be able to dictate everything that he would do the fallowing day. How easy it would be to suggest things, now that the scars have set in.
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