Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Laughing at yourself.

I'm just curious as to when it stopped being okay to laugh at yourself, and some of the generic things that get attributed to being you. Since when did it become such a crime to have a little chuckle because a foreigner amongst a speech given in his native language all of a sudden decided to unceremoniously pronounce the words election day, as erection day. Are we not supposed to even think about having so much as a chuckle, just because it would be so impolite to even admit to ourselves that we found it even the least bit funny? Are we so afraid to laugh at something like this; that we can't even convince ourselves that we'd actually just be laughing at the fact of the speaker being all serious and the blowing it, instead of the actual L into R itself?
You know what, I've grown up with a lot of comedians were that was their entire shtick, was to just poke fun at themselves and just the stupidity of the things that got tied to them. Even today we have comedians like Dave Chappelle pointing out the just pure and sure stupidity of the idiosyncrasy that we put on each other. So when I'm sitting on my couch watching Dave Chappelle, I'm laughing with him at all this stupid crap that we tie to each other.
Yet in the same way that Dave Chappelle walked away from his show because he thought people laughing more AT the characters that were played, I can see why it just isn't okay for us to just laugh at our own stupid stereotyping. Isn't it odd that people like John Stewart have more pull in today's society than the actual news anchors themselves? So who's to say that if comedians start to all rely upon generic profiles that we may actually start to believe that the profile is true, because there is a definitively fine line between humor and just outright racism.

This is Orange Bomb, you're drunken, anally retentive blogger, and that's just all.


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