The obligatory 9/11 post.
Since every other person in the known universe is making one of these now, I might as well jump on the bandwagon and make my own, you know? Sorry if I seem mean-spirted, actually no I'm not, but nothing quite earns my ire more than talking about 9/11 with some people. So, you know what? Just to be different, I'm not going to say anything about 9/11! Okay, I will say this, it was a bitch and it shouldn't take a degree in Latin to figure out the link between terrorist and terror!
My biggest problem with 9/11 isn't that the towers fell, it's that right after when a bunch of people we all gathering around, trying to deal with thier emotions on what the fuck just happened, and all of this sudden this odor starts to come up form behind. Until, finally, we have all these people going on National (fucking) Television blaming any little group that they please: Jews, Blacks, Gays, Femisits, Whites, Bush Jr., Immigrants, and pretty much any group no matter how ridiculus it might seem. That is my biggest gripe with 9/11, is that right after it happened everybody had a conspriacy theory as to what the hell just happened, and in stead of shutting up and letting people deal with the gravity of what just happened; they all opened up thier mouths and let the bullshit flow. I mean, shit, we just got kicked in the balls, people deserve time to sit back and just take in the pure gravity of what happened.
The reason that I'm typing this is because I thought that all of this (more specifically, most of it [there always has to be that one group left over]) was over. Ho ho, was I ever wrong, yeah, don't you just love it when Life gives you a huge kick to your grill? Check this out, it's today and well I'm happy because, thus far, nobody has asulted me with their whole conspiracy theory as to what the fuck happened today. It's sort of become a tradition that every time this date rolls around, someone has to slap me upside my head with THIER version of what fucking happened. So I'm going to dinner and I'm thinking to myself, "Holy shit, this must be the first year where I don't have to deal with a conspriacy theorist."
Yet, just like God has reached down and singled me out to be his bitch for today, I overhear someone say:
"I just don't see what two towers falling has to do with people dying for my freedom"
Immediatley I think, "Oh shit, here we go again," so not wanting to get involved in another pointless argument with a conspiracy theorist, I make a mad dash for the elevator and jam the 1rst floor button. The rest played out like this:
"Come on, Come on, dammit! Close already!"
The doors start to close.
The doors are finishing closing just as the Theorist and the Listener makes thier apperance.
"Aw, Fuck! SHIT! NO!"
The Theorist has just enough time to put his hand in the door, opening them.
Thankfully they were kind enough to hold on thier conversation during the elevator ride, and I was able to run fast enought in the other direction when we got off so I didn't get involved.
You know what? I'm a conspriacy theory buff, alien abductions? Sign me up! Bigfoot? Currently renting out the guest bedroom. Loch Ness Monster? Hell-fucking-yes. And even I think that what most of you people say is complete nonsense. Yet it's been five years since this incident, and we still have people walking around having a hard time accepting that what happened is what actually happened (as in the stuff that CAN'T be denied as happening). I've come to terms with what has happened, other people haven't and, hey, they can think whatever they want to think about this. So the last thing we need, again, is someone spewing a complete nonsense theory out into the air. So here is a crazy thought, how about before you spill your guts out the world, you actually think about what you are about to say? Seems crazy but it just might work.
Since the next time an event like this goes down and you people do on the air spilling the same crap we've already heard before. Don't be suprised if someone puts a wrench sized dent upside your forhead. Hell they might actually knock some sense into that empty space you call a brain, or so we hope.
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