Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Yes, I do know that it's been more than a month since my last blog post on here. No, I will not apoligize. Yet I will say this, I've spent the last month moving back into the Upper Peninsula, and spending some time in a bit of a detox to finally rid myself of the last vestiges of Zombie. So if my blog posts seem any different it's because I'm typing them in a room that doesn't smell of stale piss and dried cum, while trying my best not to touch the reamains of the pickled lunch Zombie had last month.

To say that my troubles are over and that from now on my blog posts are going to be full of happiness, hope, it's all going to work out in the end, and all the cliche stuff that warms the cockels of your heart from the false hope it brings you, couldn't be further from the truth; from the frying pan and into another frying pan would be the phrase to use I'd think. You'll be getting updates, more ranting, and opinionated posts about this as things go on.

However, I don't have a stable internet connection right now (this one is actually being made by leeching off of a free service nearby) so don't expect anything soon.

See you in the funnies,
Orange Bomb


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