Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Captain America is (Temporarily) Dead!

Okay, so in recent news people are completely freaking out because someone has decided to kill off Captain America. I just find it funny that people actually think that Capatain America is going to be staying dead; Honestly people, do any of you remeber some years back when they tried this shit with Superman? If you don't remember, here is a quick recap:

This Issue: SUPERMAN IS DEAD! It's the end of the world as we know, how ever are we going to go on without any Superman!?

Next Issue: Superman is ALIVE! YAY!

To put it simply, neither Marvel or DC can kill off any character to make a big statement and leave them for dead. They only do this to combat ever lagging sales, and disinterest in the comic book industry. The only characters that will ever end up dying in a comic book are the really unimportant and unpopular ones, because niether Marvel or DC has the balls to kill off a character that people are still interested in.

So Captain America isn't going to die because there is still some money to be beat out of this dead horse. Politcal Statement my ass, they just want some more money and since they've pretty much bleed the comic book industry dry (to the point where all we can get are mediocre movies about old heroes froma bygone era) it's time to pull that same old stunt that we've done hundreds of times before.