Random postings from the web! (Cue The Twilight Zone theme!)
Volume one of... of... I have no damn idea, but here we go anyway.
Surfing a website about comic books, there was a thread about all the invulnerable characters that have since become to be, and sitting amongst all this discussion was this:
"But Superman is interesting for his internal confilcts."
(Just to put this out there, NEVER talk to me about Superman unless you feel like having one of the geekiest conversation of your life, and maybe one of your longest. Seriously, I could do weeks worth of postings just breaking down and anyalzing what makes up Superman. Yet I'm digressing, back on topic!)
WHAT INTERNAL CONFILCTS? Is he strung out about that one birthday party he missed because he had to go save the world? Does he get all sad when he thinks about his superdog that ran away to the planet of dogs? Did he get ketcup on his cape and he doesn't have club soda or something?
Last time I checked Superman had internal conflicts like Michael Jackson had a nose! I do know that DC have tried to, and failed to, give Superman some internal conflicts in some of the recent comics; the reason DC failed is because when you do stuff like that it's supposed to drive the character in a whole new direction, and Superman is still the same old person he was like FIFTY years ago!
That's another thing too, the first time he appeared was in (very) late 1930's meaning that this character is around seventy years old, and to top it off he's barely changed since he first came around. Hell, even his costume has barely changed since his first incarnation!

Seriously, check that picture out, it's pretty much the same damn suit he's wearing today; and since we're talking about Superman, I souldn't have to tell you about what he wears. Just face facts folks, Superman has NO interal confilcts, and if he does the are generally retconned during the next storyline.
I could probably say more, but ... I'm going to kill this (for now) before it gets out of hand.
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