Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

No sign of life

Its mystifiying sometimes as to just how out of touch we are with ourselves sometimes. Just how out of touch we become with this world until you can't even tell that someone has just slapped you across the face. It's like some sick and twisted variantation of, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," where people just randomly disapear and are replaced by duplicates that have no emotion.

Went out one night just because, and couldn't help but notice a strange amount of people preparing for something or other that night. To many people this would be nothing strange to think about, but I've seen how this town is around 2 A.M., and it's empty; so part of me wondered what we're all these people doing here tonight of all days, and what we're they all preparing for? I was out trying to clear my senses of Zombie's smell, look, and just everthing that Zombie embodies for the uptenth time this month, and I couldn't help but look into the crowd and think as to just how many people where just like him.

How many people in the room had fallen under the same spell that had affect Zombie, to where they were nothing but complete and total automations. Repeating themselves over and over and being completly oblivious to thier own ineptitude at being cognizant. So ubelievable uncognizant that they change thier paths at even so much as someone's wisper, like watching a hypnotist play with thier volunteers. Such a presumptous blood sack that even in death they will probably try to go about thier same repetition until they realize in how many untold hours later that some greater force has since blocked thier movement.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Just passing threw, don't mind me. (A sense of post Graffiti.)

Inspired by a video of how to do Flyposting that someone decided to show me, they know who they are. I already knew how to do Flyposting, and yet looking into the audience that was around me I realized that several of them have probably never held a spray can in thier life. These people were being handed a weapon that they already had, thier words; only know they were being told as to how to get them out into the world, by methods that predate the Greek and Roman empires. The big question was, what were they going to do with it? So I felt a need to provide some extra instructions. First, use a bottle to hold Flyposting glue, it's a lot less inconspicous and easier to get rid of if the need be; not to mention, how many times have you had a Cop ask you for a drink?

Your name is sacred, in a city people don't really get to know one another and a lot of people will just pass you by without giving you a second thought, unless you want them to. People will only know who you are if you let them know who you are; think of the name you use as like your screen name online. For example, with me you people reading this probably have no idea as to who I am, and you have no idea if I actually do graffiti. Sure, you can say, "But didn't you..." Yet all you really have are assumptions, not once have I ever said specifically that I do graffiti; all I've done have been providing you with links to Graffiti sites, and some general info; you don't know if I do, or don't, do Graffiti because I don't let you know anything that can pinpoint me as being a Graffiti writer. That is why your name is so sacred, beyond what you put up people can only make conjectures about you. You can hide in plain sight and nobody will be any the wiser. One small thing about your name choice though, just like a screen name, try and make it unique.

Get a sketchpad, before you do anything about town, get yourself a sketchpad and practice! I don't care if you say that you can't draw, just pick up a pencil and start sketching! Listen out there in the world your not going to be givin time to sit back and make mistakes, you have to be able to do something in a relitively quick fashion and than beat feet out of there. Yet, there are lots of ways to put something up, you could try stencils or you could due the whole flyposting thing like above. Just sketch, draw, and experiment as to how you can put up something.

Last one is a quick piece of advice for people who want to use spray cans, I've caught wind that there are cans that go really cheap (like $0.99 cheap). So just consider this, in the end when it's all said and done is it going to matter if you used a more expensive brand of paint?

You know what I find wierd is just walking about and looking as to how people react to the Graffiti that surrounds them. Sometimes you catch someone stopping during thier daily rutine to look at a new piece of Graffiti that they probaly didn't even realize wasn't thier yesterday when they were walking about. Some people will just tisk and walk away, never realizing that the Graffiti has acomplished it goal regardless if they know it or not. It made them stop for a moment and analyze something that they hated, and for one brief moment instead of focusing upon their mundane life, they focused upon something that might have been intended to be more than just a pretty picture. Also you get people who are enraptured with this odd culture of Graffiti, they pause and look and for a moment it's like looking at people viewing art in an art gallery; only with less sarcasm, cynicism, and the general feeling of animosity. I've seen people stop on the street and watch as a crew goes about putting their signature all over a spot in town.

This puzzles me a little bit, just what is the world's odd fascination with Graffiti? Answers seem far and wide, and not to mention very muddy as to their true reasoning. To some it's probably a question as to just why we do it, just why we gather in a small spot for a brief period of time and scatter into the winds to never be seen again. Other's have that old feeling that lurks in the art museums and halls, of people who want to draw like we do; people who have, lurking somewhere in their heart, a sense to just spend thier days drawing on everthing and anything like they see the crews do. While others just view us as a menace, another group comprised soely of punks that should have been squished a long time ago by the boot of authority; just another thing wrong with this world, just another dragon that has to be slain to keep the peace of their little village. Whatever the reason is, one thing is very clear about all Graffiti artists and that is we exists mostly as our names and monicers that we have chosen to represent us. Not as a face or as a person, but just as a name scrawled upon a wall; our faces our only known when we want them to be known, and still then we are but our names.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Your daily dosage of Awesome-sauce!

Okay, got some some more awsome stuff for you. If you've been reading this stuff that I have been posting, you'll know that there was a link two a "Evolving Mural" posted not to long ago. If you haven't checked it out yet, you are either new here, you're just a bastard, or you have some personal vendetta against anything invoving Charles Darwin. Well, got some more of that stuff for you done by the art crew "Rinpa."

Yeah as it turns out they have done one, two, three, and four of these things, all hosted at You-Tube. Get yourself somthing to download flash video, and hijack some of this before it goes away! All of these things are done in a week, and are just excelent examples of what one art crew can accomplish in little time.

Secondly, we have BitFlicks, a website not unlike EatPES's hompage that uses everyday objects around the house to make movies. Only with BitFlicks it's building blocks, and tons of them. The movies are mostly remakes of old games like Donkey Kong, and yet they are suprisingly fluid and accurate down to even some of the smaller details. Just check it out, this is a person who deserves a lot of credit for the hard work he put into these things.

That has been you daily dosage of Awesome-sauce, enjoy it dammit!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's winter people!

With the first official blizzard that happened on the Thursday of this week, it is now officially winter-time! Yeah that is one of the most beautiful things of living up where I am right now, is that right as soon as the summer heat ends we go straight to blistering cold. No transition, no, "Wow, look at those leaves change color!", just right on to pure, good, old fashioned, freeze your balls off, cold, winter snow. Despite everything, I kind of like winter; why, you ask? How can I like a season that is so freezing cold? For several reasons:

Number one, all those whiners who complain about the summer heat and how they can't wait for it to get colder, finally have nothing to complain about! Of course this is actually just part of a cycle, they complain when it's hot, they complain when it's cold and never shut up! It's the never ending cycle of being a whiny little bitch because Mother Nature isn't taking time out to deal with your little problem that the world's thermostat is set to low.

Number two, ammunition. Honestly, out of everything that we hit, stab, and maim each other with these days; it's kind of nice to know that out of a couple months of the year the main thing we throw at each other is semi-frozen water. Not to mention I've now found that snowballs are a good way to remind i-pod and cell phone people about the world around them, and to shut up and drive!

Number three, foreigners who have never seen snow and have no idea how to react to it. Nuff said, I think.

Number four, people finally shut their damn windows! Now here is something that irks me, is people who know that it's cold enough to freeze a lake outside, and yet see no problem opening a window to air out a room. It can get to be like 3 degrees out and people still think it's a good idea to open a window to let in some air, what is wrong with that picture?

"Geez, it's awfully nice and warm in this room. I think I'll open a window and catch hypothermia."

It gets cold here fast, and it does not let up for a long time. So pardon me for trying to teach you some rules of thumb for dealing with winter around here, but if it's cold enough out to snow don't open a fucking window! Why does it take something like your piping hot coffee freezing over in a few minutes before you realize you should close the window? Example, during one of the later winter months, where it was still cold enough in the morning to snow. One of my roommates at the time, opened a window and turned on a fan (of all things) to cool down the room; the end result of which was that it was colder inside the room than it was outside.

The only person who is slightly exempt from this stupidity is Zombie, and that is only because his brain has probably been rotting for months on end already; probably even before I even meet the bastard. So since Zombie is only except because he doesn't have any brain cells to begin with, the rest of you should use some common sense next time you decide to open a window during winter.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Spraypainting the world, and how anonymousity makes you a dick.

Evolving Mural A mural being painted and re-painted.

Again, grabbed from I-am-Bored, and It's a special two for one day folks! That's right two blog posts for the price of one.

Graffiti is interesting mostly because it's one of the quickest changing forms of expression. Come back a few days latter only to find your signature replaced by another, and on and on it goes. A lot of us are never going to be nationally recognized for this, and, honestly, did you really think that we're graffiti writers in order to become famous Hollywood celebrities? Graffiti is the closet thing that one can get to an anonymous collection of minds in the real world. People don't know who you are, unless you get into a crew, and even then they probably know more about the crew than just as to who is in the crew; you are free of most persecutions that fallow everyday life. That might be why so many people find us dangerous, most of us having no other name than the signature we put on the wall can't be pinned down for what we do; secondly why the hell should a cop be bothering with some punk writing on a wall instead of catching the real criminals out there in the world?

Being an artist is a bitch, your constantly assaulted by people who hate you just because you don't draw in their style, or you don't draw what they like, and they'll be dammed if they are just going to sit by and let you express your creative talent. Oh, and lets not forget occasionally subconciously being groomed by your art teachers to be the next prodigy of their style. They're like those whiny tourists that go to another country, like Russia, and then wonder why they can't understand anything! Yeah cause nothing quite motivates you to draw, by being fucked over by people who are so insecure about their lack of imagination that they feel the need to take it out on anyone who dares show more imagination than they. Yet in graffiti people don't know you, your a face in a crowd, just another random mother fucker trying to get by on jobs that pay you less than shit; people will only know who you are if you let the, or unless you have a stroke of bad luck.

On the other hand, I know that most people when given a chance to do graffiti would rather just draw a penis than any little gem of intellect that they might have left; 2+2=4, water is wet, fire is warm, any little gem that shows that hey still have some form of intellect left. Guess it would kill them to try and think of anything more than "Fuck You" to put on a wall. Yet occasionally we get a gem like this one:

"If con is the opposite of pro. Than is Congress the opposite of Progress? Or did I just blow your fucking mind!"

If you agree with it or not, that was a classic. Yet I still know that the average of Fuck You's, Go Back to You're Home Land's, and just phallic symbols in general will prevail as the average thing put on a wall, because asking for some of you people to have an intelligent thought is just to much to ask isn't it? Mostly because the populous of the world can be summed up with this:

"Everyone has an asshole, so then everyone is an asshole."

There is this theory out there, that says that we use anonymousity to become even more of a fuck-tard than we already may be. Which I find personally to be, bullshit! I know from experience that even without anonymousity some of you are even worse than some of the shock-sites found on the internet (For your information, if you don't know what a shock-site is, DON'T GO RESEARCHING IT! You'll thank me latter, they'll give you waking nightmares, that they will. Thank you for your time, and please don't be a fucking idiot by not fallowing what I just said.). There are really fucked up people in this world, so just because you can use anonymousity to paint, "Send all foreigners back home," don't start to think that you are some sort of badass or something; more importantly to this matter remember that there are a lot of good graffiti writers out there ready to cover up your bullshit, so don't think it's going to be around for long.

From the vandal,
Orange Bomb

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Live awake and never bored!

Boredom, it's that creepy little felling you get when you all of a sudden realize that what you might have been doing is all amounting to nothing in your own little world. Boredom is that felling that slowly creeps over your body without you knowing it. It disguises itself as those little moments were you have nothing else to do, only to hide something a lot more sinister.

There is nothing wrong with sitting down for a bit and just letting nothing happen to yourself once and a while. The real big problem is when boredom becomes a part of your life, you exist only in the sense that you occupy a specific spot in the world, yet live you do not. You start to move only when someone else tells you to; until someone comes along and smacks you across the face and, like watching a rubber band snap, your brain all of a sudden is giving you a five second preview of how the last years of your life that you've just spent in a trance have been complete shit.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You can not fight the television!

Nabbed this site from I-Am-Bored, and don't know quite what to make of it. It turns your current web browser into a tv template and allows you to play odd videos from the web, and probably kills your connection considering what it takes to do all this. Still it is kind of cool, despite some connection problems you might experience. Also make sure to check out the little comments that appear under the watermark.

Kind of feel like getting a graffiti crew together to preform the LED Throwies thing...

Side note here, how many people out thier notice what appears to be a slow and steady death/rebirth of the TV? To be quite honest I have rarely, and I mean rarely, turned on my television, even when I do so it's generally only for a small amount of time.

Not to mention, good shows seem hard to come by these days, and just what is with all the overly edited foreign shows? Foreign shows have always been edited somewhat on TV just because of region differences in censoring, but now we're getting hell of it; shows for 16+ being made for 5+ crowds, seem to be dominating the airwaves lately. So now we get shows with entire storylines, fight scenes, key plot points, and just in general stupid shit thrown out.

Example, they had to edit out someone who used alcohol to start a fire, because it apparently was just that bad that they have any alcohol at all in the show; what really gets to me is what the censors decided to replace alcohol with, soda pop, because, gee, we all know that things like kerosene, hairspray, and paints, which are all preetty flamable, have nothing on carbonated water. What really irks me though, isn't all the editations, it's that some of them are just so bad you can actually see the Photoshop; if your going to edit something, make it a good edit.

TV seems to be dying and all we're getting now are the rats that have jumped the ship.

なんて いたずる な 手 だろう 君 は

なんて いたずれ な 目 だろう 君 は
朝 も昼 も夜 もいつでも さらわれていく
Lines from ケモノズメ "Suki" by Santara

Love, to be or not be loved once in your life, does it really matter? We see so many people stuck into relationships that the never wanted in the first place. So strung out on eachother that they finally find themselfs amongst the various automations that become a part of our daily life. Only to take a moment to stop and pause once one of thier automations fail, and they find themselves without a way to move on since the line for them to make a decision has long since been severed.

Still there are glimmers of hope amongst all, regardless of how, or who, or just as to what love is to us. Somedays, were everything just works and soon you find yourself going from the general light talking about all the shit that happens in life, to being locked in the throws of passion in the backseat of some car; were everything just clicks together in a giant mechanation that results in hours of delaying something inevitable. Until finally relishing the few moments of the inevitable that are finally layed out for us, by whatever decided to start the machine in the first place.

Afterwards things are awkwards, and we go back to our usual selfs. Needlessly cutting into eachother just because we passed up on what could have been one of the most beautiful things to ever happen to us, and since we couldn't have that beuty why should anybody else? Even after it's over, people look at everything that has since become to be and since was, and comments on the beuty of everything that, could, should, would have been.

じゃあ まった,
Orange Bomb (オランゲ ボム)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Somebody's deviating from the standard norm! GET THEM!

This is sure to be one of many different, but associated, posts to come along.

Just out of curiosity, when are people going to quite being so tight-assed about deviations from the standards calls of normallacy. Especially when in the end, the deviation doesn't really mean much. Kind of like when someone prefers a redhead over a blond, since hair can be died anyway; so just add a little hairdye to a blond and presto we have a redhead.

Since when did we quit hating people for good reasons? "Hey, you just shot me in the foot!" something like that, you know? That's a bloody good reason for hating someone don't you think? There are a lot of really fucked up people in the world, and yet some of our biggest worries are if someone doesn't like your favorite band? What the hell!?

Fuck, we have these higly paid people and proposed divine being who are supposed to give us the measure of normallacy, and if you don't listen to them than something is clearly wrong with you!

"Jesus, what was that? A thought different from ours? He has to be crazy lock him away!"

It's just tiresome that people get so worked up about such insignificant shit about other people. Yet, hey, if you feel you can completely know someone just by taking a 10 second glance at them then by all means go ahead.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's another damn meme!

I hate top ten lists; out of all the good things in the world today, we're only supposed to pick out ten? Fuck that! However, do to circumstances beyond my control (and because I kind of felt like it) I'm doing a ten movie list, note that it was NOT typed "Top Ten Movie" but "Ten Movie". You're not going to get a Top Ten Movie list for two reasons, everyone does them, and I'm trying to make a movie list that doesn't have The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars, or anything commonly found on a Top Ten Movie list.

The movies for this list have not been chosen because they are good, they won lots of awards, or for that matter any reason that a movie might be included in the top ten. I've sort of picked movies at random based off a unique experience that they brought to the movie screen. So without further ado, in no particular order:

1. Six String Samurai - It's the cold war, the Russians got the bomb, America is gone, Las Vegas is the last safe haven, and Elvis is now King; Upon his death, every rocker converges on Vegas to become the new King, including our hero Buddy. Six String Samurai stand out because of it's plot, and suprsingly good acting. Not to mention Buddy is a gutair playing, sword swinging badass, and how often do charaters like that come around?

2. Snakes on a Plane - Snakes, Plane, nuff said. Say what you want about this movie, but you can't deny the fact of just how huge a movie, with no advertising, Snakes on a Plane has become. Snakes on a Plane originally started out as an idea for the worst movie ever, and yet with only the mention of the name on IMDB it took off. It quickly became an internet phenomenon just off of the sure stupitiy of the idea, and then a media phenomenon that can actually rival some of the greats out there. They even reshot part of the movie, to include a line made by fans in anticipation of the movie ("I'm sick of all these mother fucking snakes, on this mother fucking plane" if you must know). It's still suprising to think as to just how huge this movie became.

3. Rocky Horror Picture Show - Brad Majors (Asshole!) and Janet Wise (Slut!) pay a visit to a strange mansion in the middle of the night. Rocky Horror Picture Show is NOT a movie you watch by yourself, it is mandatory that you watch this movie in a theather when it comes around during Halloween. This is the only movie I can think off, where the audience is what makes the movie so great. You're supposed to shout, throw popcorn, and make a nuisence of yourself when whatching this movie. Here is an example as to what can happen:

Movie:"Flash Gordon was there in silver underwear,"
M:"And told us where we stand."
A:"On our feet!"

A:"The man you are about to see has no neck. Where's your fucking neck!?"
M:"and they were badly in need of some air."
A:"Like your neck!"

A:"Say 'Hello' Riff"

So go and see it you virgin!

4. Gojira\Godzilla - Giant monster stomps on stuff, end of story. Born of the atomic bomb, Godzilla has become a media icon spaning more than 50 years of movies. He was one of the first pioneers of the giant monster genre, and even during his low points (aka Godzilla 1998) he persevered and gave us that old Gojira charm. There is enough stuff to talk about, enough as Gojira is big, than can be covered here. Just go see it.

5. Dead Leaves - Prison breaks have never been so ... strange. Dead Leaves is 50 minutes of pure unabashed animated crack. It makes about as much sense as FLCL, and leaves you at several moments with "What the fuck" imbeded in your head as to just what happened. Despite not making a whole lot of sense, it's an enjoyable 50 minutes none the less.

6. Clerks
- Hell is other people. In the way Office Space was tailored for people who hate office jobs, Clerks was tailored for clerks. Being a clerk is a bitch, because you have to deal with any person who just walks off the street, since that's kind of your job. Clerks, pokes fun at those random people, and thier shopper naiviete. If you're the person who thinks that "The customer is always right" is a law, you should stay away from this movie (you might learn something). Quick note too, the movie was shot in Black & White, that's the way it originally was; so if you rent it, don't complain to the clerk that it's not in color and you're not going to leave until they do something about it.

7. Legend of the Drunken Master - Jackie Chan gets drunk, fights bad guys, what more do you want? With other good, comical, kung-fu films out thier, Kung-Fu Hustle comes to mind, thought I'd revist some old comedy kung-fu with the man who's known for it, Jackie Chan. Rumaged through some of the movies I have, found this one, and just thought, "What the hell," and put it on the list.

Amélie - Amélie goes looking for love, and tries to help out those around her at the same time. This is not one of your Soap-Opera love stories, thank god. Amélie is a oddly comical film, and much like Amélie herself is filled with litle odd bits and pieces that make it a special treat. It's just one of those rarely noticed treasures of film.

9. Super Size Me
- Guy eats McDonald's (McDonalds'?) food for 30 days in the name of SCIENCE! In a world of documentaries, and (nothing against) Michael Moore that seem to be doing the same thing over and over again; taking a recent event, and then trying to piece everything back together again after the fact. Super Size Me is nice in the fact that its main premise isn't to weigh us down with a bunch of facts alone. Morgan Spurlock instead of just reporting on fast food and telling us facts of what they're said to do; he actually eats fast food for three meals a day, for 30 days, and shows us what that, and a severe lack of movement, can do to the body. Agree with him or don't, but Super Size Me is a good movie because it's a break from all those documentaries that just report on events.

10. Battle Royal
- Kids, forced into a goverment program, are made to kill each other off until only one remains. Battle Royal is an import only movie, you can't find this if you live in America folks. A modern day Lord of the Flies, that plays off of basic human paranoia and our ideas of trust, Battle Royal will keep you guessing as to the ending, provide you with a good thrill ride, and if you could stomach A Clockwork Orange you can definately stomach this.

Clockwork Zombie (Super Shooter!)

Blarg! I'm dead!

Used to have this really child-like alarm clock, the buttons were a moon, star, cloud, it even had a built in alarm of old childrens songs. Despite it all, I still kind of like the thing, since it never once failed to wake me up when I set.

Yet now I have this very industrial alarm clock, battery backup, two alarms, custimizable snooze alarm, everything. Still I don't really like since it has an odd habit to never wake me up every now and then, even when I set both of the alarms. Seriously, double check that you set the alarm, just don't be suprised when it doesn't wake you up in moring. Yeah, since nothing is quite more fun than having part of your life ruined just because of something as simple as your alarm not going off.

Then off course, it could be my fault, I've been spending many a late night pondering over my brains latest idea for a good story; many people complain about thier muses not providing them with enough inspiration, mine refuses to shut up once it gets started. This fucking thought has been stuck in my head lately, and it is so not pretty, so for the santicity of you going to bed without nightmares I'm not going to share it. Needless to say, this is how my brain is deciding to deal with it; which is kind of ironic, since the idea that Zombie might be using my water bottle blasted that thought out and easily replaced it as one of the most horrific things currently on my mind.

You have to understand Zombie is called Zombie for a reason, he smells like rotting flesh (flaming rotting flesh, he smokes heavily), he shuffles around, mumbles inchoherantly on occasion, and doesn't move a whole lot from where he is; all he would have to do would be to start eating live flesh and he'd be perfect expamle of a zombie. I just find it weird, and strangely intriguing, to watch him. He's just such an odd version of human life, it's like everything he does is to steadily commit suicide in the slowest of ways. Anything living, or fresh, when it comes into his possesion is always allowed to have time to sit around and decay before he really bothers with whatever he might have. Zombie, just surrounds himself with half dead things, in such a non-macabre way; it's like watching death due it's slow creeping to the tune of some happy, sappy song. Zombie's entire purpose just seems to be to stay on the edge of death for as long a posible and to slowly inch further and further over the edge.

Yet in the end I just leave Zombie to rot, I curse our sole depend upon a ball of gass to determine our schedule, as I kick back and start up another round of Rip Slyme's "Super Shooter" from Gantz and just watch as life goes on by.