Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Did you Vote? More importantly did your vote get counted? (More Movie Stuff)

Been watching a lot of movies lately and just sort of sitting around pondering and composing various things about life instead of doing what people tell me to do. I'm probably going to get into deep shit with the superiors that have been assigned to me, yet screw it. I feel good, not a fake kind of good either, but the real sort of, "my soul feels cleansed, without any need for Jesus," kind of good. Yet that's not why I'm here today, I'm here to tell you people about some movies that just came across my way.

First we have, "Who killed the Electric Car," and interesting film, espcially if your wondering how long it's going to take us to get new hybrid Hydrogen/Gas cars onto the road. Even if your just constantly sick of having to pay $3 per gallon instead of just the Diesel car in general, it's still an interesting watch just to see what truly went into killing one of our alternative cars.

Yet I'm moreover here to talk about something that has recently been in the knews, voting. Oh yes, us Americans truly do love our elections don't we? We put out a bunch of adds telling us who we should vote for, and several more that are prompting us out to vote telling us how important each and every voter is. So that's why I'm putting this next movie (or more accurately, TV documentary) called, "Hacking Democracy." Now I'm going to try to keep my own personal opinions about voting out of the fallowing, but I admit that it is going to be kind of hard.

If your reading this, than I take it that you have a computer of some sort, and a internet connection. Also I take it that since you are currently here on a blog; that should mean that you are competent enought to at least know what in the world hacking is, or that you should be competent enought to do a search to find out just what in the world hacking is. So I'm just going to skip over explaing just what in the world hacking is. Yet if you have no idea as to just what in the world the process of hacking is, just type it into a search and take some time to figure that out. Don't worry I'll still be here when you come back.

Hacking Democracy, is one look as to why voter irregularities seem to be showing up so much. Yet a good majority of the movie is spent looking at the safety of using those electronic voting machines that we constantly find being employed to count our votes accurately. Just as to how easy it would be to honestly hack one of the machines and change the outcome of an entire election. It doesn't have any of the quality or flair of any Hollywood documentary, yet it's still an interesting watch as to see just how stable our voting system really is.

Many people will probably never end up watching Hacking Democracy do thanks to thier iron-clad belief that the voting system is infallible, or they'll just think that the movie is propaganda from the other side and that all it's doing is whinning about having lost some election or some key state. Do you know what I have to say about that?

Hackers have been able to hack cell-phones, and pretty much anything electronic.
So shut the fuck up about your party affiliation a bit and watch the damn film.


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