Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Spraypainting the world, and how anonymousity makes you a dick.

Evolving Mural A mural being painted and re-painted.

Again, grabbed from I-am-Bored, and It's a special two for one day folks! That's right two blog posts for the price of one.

Graffiti is interesting mostly because it's one of the quickest changing forms of expression. Come back a few days latter only to find your signature replaced by another, and on and on it goes. A lot of us are never going to be nationally recognized for this, and, honestly, did you really think that we're graffiti writers in order to become famous Hollywood celebrities? Graffiti is the closet thing that one can get to an anonymous collection of minds in the real world. People don't know who you are, unless you get into a crew, and even then they probably know more about the crew than just as to who is in the crew; you are free of most persecutions that fallow everyday life. That might be why so many people find us dangerous, most of us having no other name than the signature we put on the wall can't be pinned down for what we do; secondly why the hell should a cop be bothering with some punk writing on a wall instead of catching the real criminals out there in the world?

Being an artist is a bitch, your constantly assaulted by people who hate you just because you don't draw in their style, or you don't draw what they like, and they'll be dammed if they are just going to sit by and let you express your creative talent. Oh, and lets not forget occasionally subconciously being groomed by your art teachers to be the next prodigy of their style. They're like those whiny tourists that go to another country, like Russia, and then wonder why they can't understand anything! Yeah cause nothing quite motivates you to draw, by being fucked over by people who are so insecure about their lack of imagination that they feel the need to take it out on anyone who dares show more imagination than they. Yet in graffiti people don't know you, your a face in a crowd, just another random mother fucker trying to get by on jobs that pay you less than shit; people will only know who you are if you let the, or unless you have a stroke of bad luck.

On the other hand, I know that most people when given a chance to do graffiti would rather just draw a penis than any little gem of intellect that they might have left; 2+2=4, water is wet, fire is warm, any little gem that shows that hey still have some form of intellect left. Guess it would kill them to try and think of anything more than "Fuck You" to put on a wall. Yet occasionally we get a gem like this one:

"If con is the opposite of pro. Than is Congress the opposite of Progress? Or did I just blow your fucking mind!"

If you agree with it or not, that was a classic. Yet I still know that the average of Fuck You's, Go Back to You're Home Land's, and just phallic symbols in general will prevail as the average thing put on a wall, because asking for some of you people to have an intelligent thought is just to much to ask isn't it? Mostly because the populous of the world can be summed up with this:

"Everyone has an asshole, so then everyone is an asshole."

There is this theory out there, that says that we use anonymousity to become even more of a fuck-tard than we already may be. Which I find personally to be, bullshit! I know from experience that even without anonymousity some of you are even worse than some of the shock-sites found on the internet (For your information, if you don't know what a shock-site is, DON'T GO RESEARCHING IT! You'll thank me latter, they'll give you waking nightmares, that they will. Thank you for your time, and please don't be a fucking idiot by not fallowing what I just said.). There are really fucked up people in this world, so just because you can use anonymousity to paint, "Send all foreigners back home," don't start to think that you are some sort of badass or something; more importantly to this matter remember that there are a lot of good graffiti writers out there ready to cover up your bullshit, so don't think it's going to be around for long.

From the vandal,
Orange Bomb


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