It's winter people!
With the first official blizzard that happened on the Thursday of this week, it is now officially winter-time! Yeah that is one of the most beautiful things of living up where I am right now, is that right as soon as the summer heat ends we go straight to blistering cold. No transition, no, "Wow, look at those leaves change color!", just right on to pure, good, old fashioned, freeze your balls off, cold, winter snow. Despite everything, I kind of like winter; why, you ask? How can I like a season that is so freezing cold? For several reasons:
Number one, all those whiners who complain about the summer heat and how they can't wait for it to get colder, finally have nothing to complain about! Of course this is actually just part of a cycle, they complain when it's hot, they complain when it's cold and never shut up! It's the never ending cycle of being a whiny little bitch because Mother Nature isn't taking time out to deal with your little problem that the world's thermostat is set to low.
Number two, ammunition. Honestly, out of everything that we hit, stab, and maim each other with these days; it's kind of nice to know that out of a couple months of the year the main thing we throw at each other is semi-frozen water. Not to mention I've now found that snowballs are a good way to remind i-pod and cell phone people about the world around them, and to shut up and drive!
Number three, foreigners who have never seen snow and have no idea how to react to it. Nuff said, I think.
Number four, people finally shut their damn windows! Now here is something that irks me, is people who know that it's cold enough to freeze a lake outside, and yet see no problem opening a window to air out a room. It can get to be like 3 degrees out and people still think it's a good idea to open a window to let in some air, what is wrong with that picture?
"Geez, it's awfully nice and warm in this room. I think I'll open a window and catch hypothermia."
It gets cold here fast, and it does not let up for a long time. So pardon me for trying to teach you some rules of thumb for dealing with winter around here, but if it's cold enough out to snow don't open a fucking window! Why does it take something like your piping hot coffee freezing over in a few minutes before you realize you should close the window? Example, during one of the later winter months, where it was still cold enough in the morning to snow. One of my roommates at the time, opened a window and turned on a fan (of all things) to cool down the room; the end result of which was that it was colder inside the room than it was outside.
The only person who is slightly exempt from this stupidity is Zombie, and that is only because his brain has probably been rotting for months on end already; probably even before I even meet the bastard. So since Zombie is only except because he doesn't have any brain cells to begin with, the rest of you should use some common sense next time you decide to open a window during winter.
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