Orange Bomb's Sketch Pad

If you pay attention, you might actually learn something.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You can not fight the television!

Nabbed this site from I-Am-Bored, and don't know quite what to make of it. It turns your current web browser into a tv template and allows you to play odd videos from the web, and probably kills your connection considering what it takes to do all this. Still it is kind of cool, despite some connection problems you might experience. Also make sure to check out the little comments that appear under the watermark.

Kind of feel like getting a graffiti crew together to preform the LED Throwies thing...

Side note here, how many people out thier notice what appears to be a slow and steady death/rebirth of the TV? To be quite honest I have rarely, and I mean rarely, turned on my television, even when I do so it's generally only for a small amount of time.

Not to mention, good shows seem hard to come by these days, and just what is with all the overly edited foreign shows? Foreign shows have always been edited somewhat on TV just because of region differences in censoring, but now we're getting hell of it; shows for 16+ being made for 5+ crowds, seem to be dominating the airwaves lately. So now we get shows with entire storylines, fight scenes, key plot points, and just in general stupid shit thrown out.

Example, they had to edit out someone who used alcohol to start a fire, because it apparently was just that bad that they have any alcohol at all in the show; what really gets to me is what the censors decided to replace alcohol with, soda pop, because, gee, we all know that things like kerosene, hairspray, and paints, which are all preetty flamable, have nothing on carbonated water. What really irks me though, isn't all the editations, it's that some of them are just so bad you can actually see the Photoshop; if your going to edit something, make it a good edit.

TV seems to be dying and all we're getting now are the rats that have jumped the ship.


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